Friday, October 24, 2008


Miss Thystle asked me today about adding one of those fancy gadgets to my blog so folks can follow the fun and not miss a single earth-shattering thing I have to say. According to the instuctions on Dashboard: you should put your followers widget at the top of your sidebar so more readers will notice it. Many readers ignore sidebar items so by writing a post about your followers widget and moving the widget to the top of your sidebar, you will inevitably grow your audience. " Since I certainly want to grow my audience not to mention appear to be a technical genius, I decided to follow those instructions to the letter and write a post about becoming one of my Followers.

So now any of you who want to hang on my every word can do so easily just by becoming a Kool-Aid Drinker. Despite the ominous tone and potential for lasting psychological damage the moniker suggests, I encourage you to take the plunge. I promise to do my part and bring you nothing but the very finest journalism has offer (in my limited sphere).


  1. There you go Racie - I bow down to your journalistic skill and compeling agruement to participate - cheers le

  2. Thanks Goils. Two official Followers! I'm on a roll.

  3. Hmm. I should have automatically appeared as a follower. A minor technical snafu. Will have it fixed in a jiffy and I know BJ knows how to follow now too. Sheila needs an avitar.

  4. crapola- error message coming up when you try to follow you. Will have to consult with husband.

  5. Don't know what the problemo is. Le and Miss T were able to be added as followers. Lemme know if Sexyhusband cannot fix. Might have to get Paco involved.

  6. i guess i need to break down & get a google email account so i can be a follower. is that all i have to do, or do i have to have a blog to drink the kool-aid?
    for someone who works in telecom, i am quite untechnical!

  7. G
    come see your 24 karat gold leafed very expensive award bestowed to you at my place...
    copy the award and keep sharing the love..
    kind of like an STD but different

  8. Sheila, you don't have to have a blog to be a Kool-Aid drinker. A humble g-mail account will suffice. Come on, take a big 'ole swig.
